February 2, 2012

Finding Free Online Casino with no Deposit

Ron and Dolly in the digital age

Image by cuarandera via Flickr

Gambling is something many people do everyday. There’s a thrill about playing card games, beating other people and winning extra money. While there are free sites out there, most people spend a good chunk of their savings playing casino games on the Internet. You can still play your favorite casino games without having to spend your savings.

People getting into online gambling quickly learn that they can get online casino bonuses just for trying out different casino websites. You can still win these bonuses without having to pay a deposit, which could save you from losing your savings.

No-Deposit Bonuses

There are no-deposit bonuses that casino players receive during a period of a few weeks or several months. For example, if an online casino is offering a no-deposit bonus of $200, you will either get the entire amount or it’ll be split up over three months or more. Full disclosure and information about deposits will always be stated fully in the fine print.


There will also be times when a website will allow people to play for free without any deposits, but there’s a catch if you win money. In some instances you’re required to pay a deposit to get your winnings and casino bonus. If the website offers a $500 bonus and you won a cool $2,000, you won’t be able to get that money until you’ve placed at least $500 in bets before cashing out.

This is where reading the fine print is important. Always know what the rules of the casino’s website are before signing up. You’ll always want to cash out without any kind of deposit.


How to Make Foreign Currency Trading Easy


Image via Wikipedia

No one is born a fantastic forex trader. It takes time, experience, and plenty of studying the market before you will feel comfortable in the complicated waters of forex trading. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways for new traders to simplify forex trading! Here are some ways to make foreign currency trading easier– even for forex newbies.

Practice, Practice, Practice… With a Demo Account

Most forex markets allow users to create demo accounts to help new traders learn the art of foreign currency training. Demo accounts are like a risk-free forex tutorial. Users can make real trades and practice in real-time. They run in the same system as everyone else.

However, demo accounts carry none of the risks that real forex trades do — no money is exchanged. Demo accounts are completely free, making practice accounts a perfect way to learn the ropes of forex trading without the risk of making financial mistakes. Use your demo account to develop a trading strategy that makes sense to you. Just be sure to remember that you’re playing without risk, just like a video game. You’re bound to trade differently when real risk is involved.

Talk to a Forex Broker

No one knows more about the ins and outs of the foreign currency market than a forex broker. Unlike traditional nine-to-five broker schedules, forex brokers are often available any time of day through virtual chat or email. Talking to an online trading broker is an excellent way to get advice or to get feedback about an impending trade.

Finding Financial Help

Having your finances in order can help you to keep your money under control and not to overspend. This will make it easier for you to pay your bills, save and live with peace of mind. You also can know exactly how much you need if you have to seek financial help.

Setting up your budget starts by figuring out how much you owe each month in essential expenses. This shows you how much you need to set aside from your pay. You may find that due to unforseen circumstances you have to get some financial help. This can be from installment loans, temporary loans or other such services. These loans are perfect to help you cover your expenses until you get paid.

This type of financial help can also help you to get out of debt. You can combine several small bills into one lump sum with a temporary loan. When looking for financial help, make sure that you go with a company that has a good reputation and reasonably priced services. This will make sure that you can borrow without worrying about high fees when it comes time to pay the loans back.

Budgeting can help you to keep clear of problems, but it is always good to have a backup plan when things go wrong. Unforseen medical expenses, taxes, accidents and related events can cut you short on funds. With careful searching, you can find a lender to help you through a rough spot and get your expenses paid on time.

Choosing a Fund Manager

Newton Investment Management stand at the NCVO...

Image by NCVO via Flickr


When it’s time to invest your hard earned money, you may be drawn to commercials on television about fund managers or receive emails from people who claim to have an outstanding investment record. Even friends who have had a lucky run day trading the stock market may be asking you to invest your funds with them. Here are the factors to consider when choosing an individual or firm to manage your risk capital.

Research the Fund Manager’s Track Record

Whether you are investigating an established fund manager or a friend who claims to know what he’s doing, ask for their investing track record. Did they lose money last year or several years in a row?

Be sure to look at a wide window of time when evaluating the performance of a fund manager. A two-month winning streak may seem impressive, but that doesn’t mean that the next six months won’t see a downward spiral. Look at a three- to five-year track record and take other factors into consideration such as the general state of the economy during that time period.

Understanding the Fund Manager

Another factor to consider is communication with the fund manager. Inquire about his or her investment decisions. What factors are used to determine when it’s time to buy and sell? Can he or she explain these decisions to you in a way that makes sense?

A Systematic Approach

Is the fund manager using a systematic approach to investing your funds? He or she may be relying on technical analysis or fundamental analysis of a company’s economic performance. Make sure that decisions are based upon thorough analysis and a well-tested investment strategy.




Seek Help for Your Finances

Credit cards

Image via Wikipedia

America is a nation of spenders, and this fact, compounded by a sluggish economy, flat wages and inflation have led to more reliance on credit cards. But relying on credit cards to bridge the gap between expenses and your income is a dangerous game.

According to a report on consumer credit issued by the Federal Reserve, the average household reportedly has accumulated more than $14,687 in credit card debt. Still, there are ways to triumph over bad spending habits, bankruptcy and financial crisis and begin the path to financial freedom without the weight of debt bearing down on you. Many consumers turn to lawyers for bankruptcy advice.

Debt Consolidation

Many consumers who have accumulated a large amount of debt via credit cards have turned to debt consolidation services. Typically this involves transferring unsecured debt to one secure line of credit, which minimizes the interest and fees associated with making payments on individual credit cards, thus consolidating the debt into one low monthly payment.

Debt Settlement

Another option is to settle your debt via a professional financial and/or credit counselor who can negotiate a payoff amount that is less than what you owe. This is a typical solution for homeowners and those capable of paying off high amounts. While this method can eliminate debt quickly, there several pros and cons associated with settling debt that should be considered before going with this option.

Credit Counseling

You may want to consider a consumer credit counseling service. In most cases, a reputable certified consumer credit counselor can help you create a personalized financial plan that includes a budget and a working plan of how to pay off debts. However, many of these agencies are expensive and are not an alternative to filing for bankruptcy.

Choosing the Right Investment Seminar


Protecting your savings and investments requires making sound financial decisions. When investment seminars are advertised on television and flyers arrive in the mail promoting the latest and greatest investment guru, you need a strategy for distinguishing the legitimate opportunities from the ineffective. Here are a few tips.

Question the Hype

Always be on guard about any investment seminar leader who brags about doubling and tripling his investments in a short amount of time. While this is possible in volatile markets, it usually requires taking tremendous risks. If you come across such a scenario, ask the investment leader for a photocopy of his investment records.

Look for an Extensive Track Record

Anyone can have a lucky gain in the markets, particularly in a fast-moving bullish market that allows anyone who buys to see rapid gains. Ask the investment seminar leader to provide investment documents going back for at least two years. This will allow you to see longer term patterns in losses and gains.

Speak to Past Seminar Attendees

Speak to past seminar participants to determine if they have achieved success by following the investment seminar leader’s advice. Again, you’re more interested in long-term market trends and investment strategies. Be sure that the participants you interview are not gaining in any way by promoting the investment seminar leader.

Review Materials Before Signing Up

Ask the seminar leader for a sample of the training materials that he or she uses. Watch out for repetitive information or investment principles that may be too basic, outdated or unsound. Be wary of seminar leaders who require exorbitant fees before sharing a sample of their seminar materials.




Let Them Screw Up

That’s okay, son — take a trip to that strip joint and smoke a bit, drink a bit, fool around some. Make sure you bring a condom. And daughter? You want to sleep over at your friend’s house while a bunch of fine teenage boys from the ‘other side of town’ hang out? That’s fine, too. We won’t stop you. We won’t trap you.

We’ll keep telling you what to do, but we don’t expect that you’ll listen. Why should you? You’re only just becoming adults.

The fact is as parents, it’s scary letting our kids go. Giving them freedom? That’s terrifying. We’d rather throw them in padded rooms, fit them in their strait jackets, and never have to worry.

Watch these kids really tear their lives apart bit by bit by exploring on their own. They drop like flies, and immediately we’re there to pick them back up — like when they were little kids on their bikes for the first time. They fell, and you right there to set them right. Once they were right, though, you had to let them go — let them try again. Truthfully, they could do it on their own. They did do it on their own.

Do you see what this is all about? Do you understand. Make no mistake: you certainly want to constantly be there and let them know right from wrong, lecture them, advise them, drill it in their heads. Sure, they’re going to be aggravated with you. Sure, they’re going to roll their eyes. They might even say they ‘hate you.’ That’s okay.

Ultimately, their decisions are their decisions. And they appreciate it (eventually). They especially appreciate it even more when they realize — after finally being on their own, with their own families, their own lives –

That you were right all along.

How to Overcome Overspending

Myself shopping at a Mall in December 2005. I ...

Image via Wikipedia


Overspending is a common habit and can be defined in a variety of ways. When you pay a dollar more for a snack at the corner store because you don’t feel like going to the grocery store, you’re technically spending more than you have to. Overspending manifests itself in a multitude of ways in personal finances. Here are a few ways to overcome overspending.

1. Make a list of all of your personal expenses. This task takes some thought. There may be many different items that you’re purchasing each day, either in person or online. If possible, use a debit card to make all purchases for a month so that you can easily track all costs. You also may have automatic debits set up from your checking account. Review all of your expenses and enter them into a spreadsheet.

2. Identify expenses that can be reduced. For example, in reviewing your list you may find that you’re paying a dollar for a chocolate snack each and every day. Buying that item in bulk might save you money each month. Your Internet provider may not be the least expensive available. Your cell phone calling plan may be costing you more than it has to.

3. Make changes. Commit to visiting a grocery store every week that allows you to save money when buying in bulk. Call Internet providers to find the best deal. Change your cell phone plan so that you are not paying overage charges when you don’t have to. Cook at home more often, and leave dining out for special occasions.